Seventeen members attended the October 10 meeting of the Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild. President Debbie led the meeting.
The slate of nominees for the 2017 Executive Committee of the Central Florida MQG were introduced. They are:
President: Karen Estep
First Vice President: Pat Joho; and Second Vice President: Susan Simone
First Treasurer: Kathy Gricius; Second Treasurer: Becky Chianese
Media Coordinator: Linda Hungerford
Members can expect to soon receive a survey to vote for these officers, and to approve bylaw changes. (
Read bylaw changes here.) Our bylaws require a
majority vote to elect officers and make bylaw changes, so everyone is encouraged to vote, even though nominees are running unopposed.
MQG Webinars
Members are reminded to take advantage of the many learning opportunities through the MQG. If you missed the
Town Hall webinar on September 22, you are encouraged to listen-in and read the post-webinar Q&A's submitted by members. Much good information about future plans (including QuiltCon) and activities were presented by the MQG's executive board. Worldwide, MQG membership is now 11,567, with 2,006 of them based outside the US.
The next webinar is "Color Theory" by Kim Eichler-Messmer.
Register here to attend on Thursday, October 20, at 9 pm (Florida time). NOTE: These webinars are an MQG members-only benefit!
Progress has been made on our 2017 QuiltCon East Charity Quilt. The sky/sun is complete (as of this blog post), but more "sand" is needed.
If you have not yet joined us in this challenge, this is your chance to do so! Remember, everyone attending QuiltCon will get to see our work!
Go here for the tutorial to make sand improv blocks by our Saturday, November 12 Sew-In.
Email here if you need fabric or have blocks to donate that you can't return to the Sew-In. Thank you!
October Speaker/Program

Our program was presented by member Mary, who spoke on t
he topic: "Plant the Seeds of Creativity and Grow a Modern Quilt."
Mary shared several of her projects, and where she finds inspiration to create modern quilt designs: clothing, magazines and art books.
Below is Mary's latest original creation. It was quilted with Quilter's Dream cotton and wool batting - double-batted - and domestic machine quilted on her Bernina 710.
Lora continues to make bags. The aqua bag on the left includes strips of decorative cork!
Beth made two 36" X 45" chevron-design quilts for charity.
She completed her 36" X 36" Cross-Cut quilt made in the Instagram "along" with
Beth's 40" X 40" "Home for Mola" quilt was inspired by the center block which is a reclaimed piece of
Mola. Beth's quilts are domestic machine quilted.
While showing the quilt above, Beth shared how she made piped binding for it, passing around pieces so everyone could see how it was done.
Linda H. wore her A-line skirt made with
"Abacus," an Alison Glass fabric that she colored with Tulip washable markers.
Linda designed this 38" X 39" quilt called "Florida." It's pieced with 1-1/2" finished half-square triangles on a background of aqua Grunge. She domestic machine quilted it.
Debbie finished a mini pumpkin quilt top while on a recent retreat.
Susan completed "Jax," a foundation paper-pieced table runner.
Members are reminded that the November 12 meeting program is the reveal of our "Traditional Made Modern Challenge." Bring your completed challenge piece (no restrictions as to what you make or what size project) for an anonymous viewing and voting for the best. Show us your best modern!