Twenty-five quilters turned out for the November 10 meeting! The evening's highlight was formally announcing that our chapter is structuring - we have filled officer and committee positions for 2015 (see previous blog post)! Volunteers who were in attendance were introduced. So we can continue to get to know one another better, as photos of of officers and committee members volunteers are taken, they will be posted to the Chapter Leaders page (see tab above).
During our time together we enjoyed a beautiful Show and Tell, share pretty projects made using the Quick Curve Ruler, and we completed hand-binding our donation string quilt! Enjoy the photos below.
Baby quilts, for twins, made by Beth.
Bette |
Betty |
Debbie |
Donna |
Doris |
Kelly |
Kelly |
Wall hangings made by Laura.
Below: Projects, both unfinished and finished, made using the Quick Curve Ruler by
Sew Kind of Wonderful.
Beth |
Pat |
Debbie |
Three different blocks made by Karen.
Linda H. |
Toni |
Linda T. and her bed scarf made from a jelly roll. |
During our binding bee, we hand-sewed binding to complete the quilt we're donating to North Lake Presbyterian Church as a thank-you for allowing our group to meet there each month.
Next meeting: Monday, December 8 at 6:30 p.m. It's our holiday party, so bring a treat to share, your own drink, and a modern, homemade pin cushion for a swap.
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