We appreciated a well-planned bias tape program by our own Lora Douglas, who spent considerable time and effort putting together a thorough review and demonstration of numerous ways to make and apply bias tape.
Her on-the-wall projection allowed everyone to better see what she was doing at the cutting table and sewing machine.
Lora gave away four door prizes: three sets of pretty, fabric-decorated cork circles used as hot pads and coasters, and Lapel Stick that she likes for adhering fabric to cork or Bosal In-R-Form or SF101 when making round placemats.
Our Challenge Chairs, Betty and Donna, showed two in-progress quilts being made with blocks collected last month in our Make It Modern Challenge. These quilts will be given to charity. Special thanks to Carole Lyles Shaw who donated a block. Carole represents our region on the MQG Board of Directors. Her multi-colored improv block is in the second row from the top, second block from the left.
Central Florida MQG members are making quilts to be given to the Orlando MQG who is collecting 102 quilts to be distributed to families of the June victims of the attack on the Pulse nightclub. More information is here.
Linda H. showed the 60" X 70" quilt top that's being made by eight of our Central Florida MQG members.
...and enough blocks have been collected for a third quilt.
And this quilt made by Jodie has already been finished and sent to the Orlando MQG.
Great work, members!

Members can soon expect a blog post with details about how to make easy-sew improv blocks at home. Blocks are due by our September 10 Sew-In.
Cindy and Maria shared during Show and Tell.
Cindy made "Cosmic Stars," a lap quilt pattern from Love of Quilting magazine using the split recs ruler. She quilted it with a walking foot on her domestic machine.
Cindy |
Monday, August 8, 6:30 pm at North Lake Presbyterian Church
Program: Fibonacci by Karen Estep
Karen will explain the mathematical Fibonacci principle - also known as the Golden Ratio - and how it can be applied to modern quilting.
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