
Monday, December 8, 2014

December Meeting

The year ended with a great turn-out of 24 regular attendees and one guest, and decisions made that will make 2015 a year to remember.

We unanimously voted to accept the by-laws as proposed. As well 2015 dues were collected from 23 quilters. Next steps are to apply to the national MQG for membership, apply for Florida incorporation, and open a bank account and post office box. It's pretty exciting stuff, especially as we're catching snatches related to some great upcoming programs!

The meeting included holiday treats...

...and a fun pin cushion swap, with 18 pin cushions made and exchanged.

In modern show and tell, we have just one finish to share, made by Bette.

Our January 12 meeting will be led by our two vice presidents. More information to come.