
Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9 Monthly Meeting

Thirty quilters turned out for the June 9 meeting of the Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild!

We welcomed 11 first-time visitors!  

Leader Karen Estep led the meeting, reviewing several upcoming activities:

1. Saturday, July 19 Sew-In at Oxford Community Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring whatever you want to work on and your lunch. Some quilters will put together a donation quilt top. Cost: $3, at the door.

2. Chapter quilters who are not members of MQG are invited to join in our Michael Miller Challenge using fabrics from the Petal Pinwheel collection, any Michael Miller fabrics, and/or any solids. Finished projects are due at the Monday, September 8 meeting. (Note this change in the due date which was previously August 11.)

3. The Monday, July 14 meeting (at North Lake Presbyterian Church) is "Small Talk." Quilters are invited to bring and share any small, modern-made item, and/or a pattern you plan to make.

Frances and a WIP
Gloria's finished quilt for her granddaughter
Our program was given by Beth Shutty.
"A Quilter's Journey from Traditional to Art Quilts to Modern"

This blue quilt was the first quilt Beth made and kept. 

Her quilts, from traditional pieced and appliquéd...

... to art-type

 ... to modern! Thank you, Beth for sharing your diverse talent with us!