
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sew-In with Friends

Our first Sew-In, at the Oxford Community Center, was a great success, with 13 quilters in attendance as everyone had a chance to get better acquainted and see what everyone was sewing. 
Carly, our media coordinator; and Karen, our vice president
Denise and Gae
Doris and friend
Mel, our membership coordinator; and Brenda, our Sew-In coordinator
Brenda brought along these pieces of pipe that worked fabulously for raising the table height to an ideal level for rotary cutting.
The facility was perfect for our purposes. So much so that we are having another Sew-In on Saturday, November 2, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost will again be $3 per person; monies will be accepted at the door.

For your modern quilt viewing pleasure, here's a link to the recent reveal of Kansas City MQGers who created their own Michael Miller "Disco Dots Challenge." They came up with some wonderful quilts. Enjoy the show!

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 9 Meeting

Our second-Monday-of-the-month meeting saw 28 quilters turn out.

Vice President Karen filled in for Linda who was unable to attend.

Our chapter is following the Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild's BOM, and Gae and Karen showed September's "Chevron Echos" block. Links to each month's blocks are in the right-hand menu bar.

Carly presented a 12 Minute Tip about how she keeps track of her ongoing projects, and an index of  solid fabrics she has in her stash - in a quilting notebook.

Denise presented a program about Sizing and Re-Sizing Quilt Patterns - aka "Quilt Math 101."

She explained the difference between making a quilt larger or smaller by adding blocks or borders, versus changing, by increasing, the pattern size. Her advice is to "start with what you want, and divide by what you have."

As an example... For a paper pieced block that Denise wanted to enlarge from 8 inches to 12 inches, simply divide 12 by 8. This equals 1.5 which translates to enlarging the original block by 150%. This can be easily done on a home printer or at a local copy store.

When reducing a pattern, divide the size you want by the size you have. Reduce by that amount.

You can use a calculator to do all your figuring, or look for a Quilter's Scale at your local quilt shop. Several apps are also available for tablets and smart phones, including the popular, free, Robert Kaufman app called QuiltingCalc.

Show and Tell

From the July/August issue of Quilty, this quilt was made by Gae.

Gae also sewed this "Bella Mind the Gap" baby quilt top from a free Moda Bake Shop pattern. She sewed it with Bella Solids.
Inspired by Carly's program last month on Sem-prov Piecing, Beth sliced and sewed, and sliced and sewed some more to make this 60" X 60" quilt top. Beth asked if she needed to slice and sew some more, but everyone liked it just the way it is! Beth said it was very much outside her comfort zone, but also fun to try something new.

New member Karen showed a quilt she made from a Moda layer cake.

Another new member, Cindy, made and quilted this wallhanging from scraps.

Yet another new member, Mary Anne, made this king-sized quilt for their new home, starting it before moving to Florida. Their real estate agent saw the quilt on Mary Anne's design wall and wanted it, so Mary Ann promised it to her if she sold their home. Mary Anne recently received the quilt from the longarm quilter, and the quilt will soon be on its way to the real estate agent! Mary Anne says she's making another one for herself.

Karen made this bold and bright quilt for her 15 year-old granddaughter who selected the colors for it.

This is also the first quilt Karen quilted herself!

Other News
Riley Blake Challenge fabrics
Our chapter has decided to participate in the Riley Blake Challenge, though we will be organizing it among ourselves since we have not joined the national Modern Quilt Guild. Riley Blake Challenge fabrics will be purchased and each challenge participant charged the cost of fabric. Challenge fabrics will be distributed at the October 14 meeting, with finished quilts shown at the January 13 meeting.

According to our bylaws, by the end of December a Nominating Committee (as few as two people) must present four Executive Committee candidates (president; vice president; treasurer; media coordinator) for January elections. Since no Executive Committee person may be on the Nominating Committee, volunteers are needed. Members, please email your willingness to volunteer for this short-term task.

We hope to see you at our first Sew-In!
Saturday, September 14
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Oxford Community Center - just off the corner of highways 466 and 301
Cost: $3 for members; $5 for guests