
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another Monday Night of Fun!

The June meeting of the Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild saw a very good turnout, especially for snowbirds now having returned north. We welcomed four first-time visitors!

Quilters who are participating in the block-of-the-month being offered by the Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild, showed all their blocks to date. It's not too late to join in! Just click the links on the right menu bar to go to tutorials for each block. 

Apron Runway Challenge 
Our Apron Runway Challenge was a big success with 10 quilters making aprons... with all sorts of interpretations.  
Linda's "Amy Butler and Denyse Schmidt playing nicely together."
Betty's magazine-inspired apron
Denise's his and hers upcycled aprons made from blue jeans. Thanks Alvin,  our willing model!
Karen's aqua and pink retro apron
Mel and her upcycled from a shower curtain, "hands on" apron, with palm prints on top!
Carly's girly sewing tool belt
Brenda's Scrappy Strips apron
Doris's artist's apron
And Doris's retro apron sewn from a vintage tablecloth
Carol and her bright batik apron, the winner of the challenge!
Ten apron-makers, two models, and the 12 aprons made in the challenge.

The program focused on characteristics of modern machine quilting on a domestic machine. Quilters shared pictures of various quilting designs, from straight-line quilting and linear patterns that can be created simply, to curved designs such as small rolling hills, bubbles, and snail-trail type shapes. We reviewed other quilting designs, ways to try them out on your quilts before quilting, and the importance of table support for your quilt when you're quilting.

Linda shows the back side of a quilt quilted with a variety of designs. At the July 1 meeting "Make it Modern" will continue to focus on free motion quilting with Linda demonstrating the technical aspects of machine set-up, use of appropriate quilting aids, and tips about the practicalities of machine quilting. 

Show and Tell
As if the visual pleasure of the aprons wasn't enough, we managed to top off the evening with some lovely show and tell items.
Quilt top made by Linda T.
Gae's quilt
Gae's retro modern, hand-quilted quilt
Doris's free-motion quilted quilt, with sandpiper fabrics

Linda H.'s free-motion quilted Citrus Waves quilt

This tote looks ginormous, but it really isn't! It's a Pinafore Bag made with retro fabrics.

We're proud to say that 25 quilters are now dues-paying members of the Central Florida MQG! Woo-hoo! July 1 is the date $15 dues are owed for the remainder of 2013. After voting on bylaws, it's anticipated that by the August meeting, bylaws will govern the number of times people may visit before joining.

An Acting Executive Committee has been appointed to lead the Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild through the end of the year. They are:
President, Linda Hungerford
Vice President, Karen Estep
Treasurer, Doris Hulse
Media Coordinator, Carly-Ann Wilkins

Committee Positions are:
Membership, Mel Tuck
Programs, Gae Nocella
Education, and Secretary, Denise Lasley

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help us get on our feet! You're a big part of why our chapter is so enjoyable, and just plan fun to be part of!


  1. Glad to hear the guild is growing. And it looks like you all have a great time! :-)

  2. The MQG is off to a wonderful start! And having lots of fun, too.
